Do you ever feel like you’re being asked to tip increasingly more?

And what’s the proper etiquette these days —10%, 20%, or could it even be reaching 25%?

It seems we’ve reached a tipping point on tipping.

With the holidays near but inflation crimping some budgets, a good financial tip I can offer you right now on the matter is first decide how much you personally are willing to tip in different scenarios — before getting to the checkout, and stick to that amount. Don’t be pressured at the last minute to spend more than you’ve budgeted because little add-ons to your bill can make or break your budget in this season.

Need help deciding what that tip amount should be? The Wall Street Journal has a handy guide below that can be a starting point. Check out the other helpful articles from the news this week as well.

Remember, I’m always here as a sounding board for any financial questions or ideas you have, and to further the conversation. I am truly thankful to be a source of support toward your peak financial wellness and the practice of good habits.

Happy Thanksgiving! Have a great weekend ahead.

Holiday Tipping 2022: Your Guide to Who, When and, of Course, How Much

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