Our Core Values
“All successful investing is goal-oriented and therefore planning-driven. People with a plan, a strategy and an investment policy succeed financially. Those chasing performance as a substitute for planning rarely succeed.”
— Andrew Perri

Our Promises
- We honor our fiduciary standards, and at all times, put our clients’ needs before our own.
- The perspective of the client is the lens through which every decision is viewed in our business.
- We have a duty to save investors from those who would speculate and gamble with their life savings. We will lead a movement in our community toward this worthwhile cause.
- We eliminate conflicts of interest by removing commissions on all securities accounts. We are a “fee-only” investment fiduciary advisor.
Our Principles
- We will always do what is right regardless of the cost.
- Our clients deserve our best effort, attitude and execution every day.
- Trust and respect are earned, not given.
- We strive to honor God in all that we do.

Our Philosophies
- Choosing the right asset allocation maximizes your returns relative to your risk tolerance.
Source: E. Napoletano and Benjamin Curry. Forbes. April 14, 2021. “Asset Allocation And Your Portfolio.” https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/what-is-asset-allocation/. Accessed: March 28, 2022. - Market timing does not work. We will never attempt to market time at Pinnacle Wealth.
Source: Jim Wang. Forbes. March 6, 2020. “6 Reasons Why Market Timing Is For Suckers.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimwang/2020/03/06/6-reasons-why-market-timing-is-for-suckers/?sh=1f9fd31149d8. Accessed March 28, 2022. - Investor behavior is the dominant determinant in long-term equity returns. For this reason, we only accept clients who are committed to advancing their own fiscal literacy by attending our investment forums and by engaging in our coaching process. You can’t go to the gym once or twice a year and be physically fit. The same law applies to minding your money.
- Free markets work. Capitalism and equities are the greatest long-term wealth creation tools known to mankind.
- Stock picking, market timing and track-record investing are forms of speculating and gambling, and in no way are they to be confused with prudent long-term investing.
Our Process and Portfolios
- We believe in an academically sound, Nobel Prize-winning modern portfolio theory to achieve the greatest returns for the amount of risk an investor is willing to take. This theory is built into each plan and portfolio.
- We believe in true diversification. This entails following the “endowment model” approach to building investment portfolios.
- Simply put, we believe STRATEGY MATTERS!