Paying your bills on time each month may not seem like the most creative endeavor.

But the way you handle your household finances can reveal a lot about who you are as a person. It paints a one-of-a-kind picture of you, your values, and your intentions. That’s why I’m sharing this Globe & Mail article this week, with inspiration on how your money picture comprises part science, part art.

It’s important to approach your finances with both creativity and intention – as a positive money mindset influences not only your financial well-being but also your personal happiness and success. Let’s continue working together to align these habits and values to put you in the best possible position to pursue the all-fulfilling life you’ve always imagined.

Check out the article – and I’ve included more information as well that may be relevant to your planning. I hope you find time today to read and reflect on your own masterpiece in the making. Who knows, you might just discover something new about yourself. 

The art of spending money – and what it reveals about who you really are

5 Ways the SECURE Act 2.0 Can Boost Your Retirement Savings

Your Investment Lost Money Last Year. So Why the Big Tax Bill?

What to do when your term life insurance is ending

How To Shrink High Taxes On Your Required Minimum Distributions

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