It’s a fact: average life spans are significantly longer than they used to be.

While this is undoubtedly a good thing, it does mean that the amount you’ll need to save to ensure a comfortable retirement is substantially more than required by previous generations. As well, given the heated debate over raising the U.S. debt ceiling and continued funding of Social Security, it’s possible that future payments may be affected. And though we can all hope that the inflation rate will return to a more manageable level, there are reasons to think that the cost of living could continue to increase faster than incomes.

Such realities make saving and budgeting ever more important because your decisions in the days ahead will not only have important consequences on your retirement savings but also on your tax bill.

You don’t want any more time to zoom by without thinking carefully about how to maximize your finances. Let’s talk to make sure you make the right decisions for you and your family.

The Way Americans Retire Has Changed Forever. Why Saving a Nest Egg Isn’t Enough.

The High Price Retirees Pay for Collecting Social Security Too Early

Inflation will be harder to bring down than markets think

How to afford the big price tag of your lifetime ‘bucket list’

Don’t Forget These Tax Changes as You Prepare Your 2022 Returns

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