This headline is turning heads: “Why aren’t millennials and Gen Z having kids? It’s the economy, stupid.”

Why is it so provocative, you might ask?

Well, first, there’s the obvious name-calling.

Secondly, people have been having children since the dawn of humankind, so why would today’s economy make them rethink the very thing that continues our survival as a species?

At the heart of the issue is a growing challenge in the world – a scarcity mindset. Such a mindset believes that resources, opportunities, and success are limited and hard to come by. Taking this approach can lead to feelings of hopelessness, despair, and a sense of being stuck.

Frankly, it’s not a wise outlook. Instead, let’s focus your goals on the abundance that IS available to you—choosing more of what brings happiness, purpose and fulfillment to your life. With or without children, you likely have many ambitions in mind. Let’s talk about them.

These articles provide info and knowledge about how to keep your mindset and finances on track through the summer. Enjoy!

Someday You Will Have to Spend Your Nest Egg. Why You Need to Plan Ahead for That.

Are You Happier If You Retire Earlier?

A Fed Rate Cut Is Finally Within View

5 Money Red Flags For Retired Couples To Address Before A Spouse Dies

The Olympian Who Is 61 Years Old—and Destroying Athletes Half Her Age

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