Every year, April kicks off with its famous Fool’s Day, but if we’re being honest, too many of us have been tricked at times throughout the year by our own behaviors and attitudes when it comes to money.

According to a recent survey mentioned in the Forbes article below, 38% of Americans admit to lying about their finances to loved ones, and more than half (54%) of the people surveyed said lying about finances is equivalent to other types of lying or infidelity. While it may be tempting to fudge the numbers to look better on paper, the consequences of dishonesty can be dire.

So, this month, let’s commit to being honest with ourselves and our loved ones in our finances, building upon a financial strategy that reflects your core values and pursues the very real goals within your grasp.

These relevant articles can help you get started. As always, reach out if there’s anything you’d like to discuss or share. Enjoy!

Survey: Lying About Money To Your Partner Is As Bad As Cheating

How to Identify a Good Investment (Even During Economic Uncertainty)

Retirees: Expect to Get Hit With Surging Health Costs

Why Your Tax Refund Might Be Smaller This Year

Spring into action: five easy, affordable gardening tasks now that winter is over

Click here to listen to the podcast: Purpose of Planning Finances