The final two months.

That’s right, holiday shoppers, we’re down to 7 weeks left in 2023.

As we quickly approach the end of the year, it’s natural to pause and reflect, taking a moment to recognize what you’ve been able to accomplish so far, and let that then spur you to start dreaming and doing what you still want to achieve.

That’s why this week is the perfect time to focus on some end-of-year financial to-do’s. The time you take now to gain order and clarity can have a significant impact on your overall financial wellbeing and, more importantly, set you on the right footing in 2024.

Plus, there’s just a certain sense of peace of mind that comes with knowing you’ve crossed all your financial T’s in Two Thousand Twenty-Three.

To help you get started, check out the timely articles below and see if anything resonates with you. As always, if you have any questions or need further guidance, let’s connect.

Maximizing Your 2023 Year-End Tax Planning Benefits

Social Security And Medicare: Determine When To Take Your Best (…and Only) Shot

Confused About Health-Savings Accounts? Here’s What to Know

Retiring Early Is Your Dream. 7 Steps to Make It Come True.

5 things I’ve been doing all year to make the holidays more affordable

Click here to listen to the podcast: Grant a Wish for Those in Hospice